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Cornwall Council: Design guide: ‘building with nature’ to define high-quality green infrastructure

  • Location: Cornwall

  • Purpose: The council has developed a local design code that addresses the need to address the shortage of homes in Cornwall and the county’s exposure to the impacts of climate change. The local design code looks to set a metric for development to ensure residents have a good quality of life while restoring wildlife. The design code supports developments of all sizes, from change of use and infills of existing plots to new large residential areas. The aim is to help Cornwall reach both its net zero and nature restoration targets.

  • Description: The national design code has ten characteristics that create a ‘good design’. These include: context, identity, built form, movement, nature, public spaces, uses, homes and buildings, resources, and lifespan. The Cornish design guide looks to incorporate the area’s local distinctiveness (such as Cornish hedges and historic buildings and sites). The guidance sets out a context appraisal which all new development should show compliance with, so that Cornwall can strike the balance between building enough new homes and reaching its climate objectives. The appraisal includes: engagement; environment; transport and connectivity; built form and materials; historical and local distinctiveness; functional and infrastructure; community; and opportunity and constraints.

  • Conservative councillor/ council lead: Cllr Olly Monk, portfolio holder for housing and planning

  • Further links: Cornwall Council’s design code, Local Government Association case study submission, and the national design code.


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