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Green Tory group says Autumn Statement good for 'net zero'

An influential group of environmentally focused Tories, with many MP backers, has welcomed the announcements today. Sam Hall, the Director of the Conservative Environment Network, said:

"Today’s Autumn Statement recognised the economic opportunity of net zero and tackled many of the barriers to green investment.

"Faster business planning decisions, cuts to grid connection times, the extension of generous capital allowances and freeport incentives, and new funding for green manufacturing will make the UK a more attractive destination for international investment in net zero industries and infrastructure.

"Moves to simplify planning for heat pumps and electric car chargers will help drive uptake of these key clean technologies.

"While there is always more to do to reach net zero - particularly energy efficiency incentives for homeowners and a carbon border adjustment mechanism - today’s measures will help Britain secure more green investment, creating new jobs, regenerating our industrial heartlands, and enhancing energy security.

"Building on the recent announcement about next year’s renewables auction, today’s statement also signals a more positive narrative on climate action from the government."

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