Location: Hampshire County Council
Purpose: The council seeks to become carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this, they are working with the Greening Campaign to help the community reduce emissions through grassroots initiatives such as retrofitting insulation. The scheme aims to increase local engagement in decarbonisation schemes.
Description: The scheme is delivered in 3 stages. Communities first register with the Greening Campaign, before the community then votes on the actions they want to embark on. The carbon savings are then calculated by the Energy Savings Trust. In stage 2, further commitments are made and delivered such as retrofitting and once this is done, stage 3 is launched which furthers the actions of stage 2.
Funding: The funding for the Greening Campaign comes from a grant from the National Lottery.
Conservative councillor/ council lead: Cllr Zoe Huggins, Cabinet Member for Hampshire 2050 (Climate Change, Culture and Partnerships).
Further links: link to the Greening Campaign.
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