Location: Kensington and Chelsea
Purpose: Many homes in Kensington and Chelsea have low energy efficiency due to being a listed building. With 80% of the emissions in the borough coming from buildings, the council wants to increase energy efficiency to cut energy bills and to reach the council’s 2040 net zero target.
Description: The council has consulted on issuing a planning consent order to make it easier to install extra glazing to single glazed windows on listed buildings. The consent order allows residents to install extra glazing on internal and external windows constructed after the date of the listing. To maintain the unique characteristics of the buildings in Kensington and Chelsea, the council is also consulting with historic and conservation groups to add guidelines.
Conservative councillor/ council lead: Cllr Cem Kemahli, Lead Member for Planning, Place, and Environment.
Further links: RBKC announcement and RBKC consultation page.
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