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Tory MPs want mandatory community benefits to boost take up of renewables across Britain

Tory MPs have urged the Government to introduce mandatory community benefits to win local support for new renewable energy projects.

Simon Clarke and Richard Graham believe this will help speed up planning and boost energy production in Britain.

Alicia Kearns MP, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, warned the West has failed to cut itself off from energy supplies gripped by autocrats following the two-year anniversary since Russia’s war in Ukraine began.

Mr Clarke said: “Although household energy bills are starting to stabilise, the UK cannot continue to rely on risky foreign gas imports from undemocratic countries.

“In fact, as global tensions rise, it is vital we speed up plans to develop more of our own domestic, renewable energy here in the UK and ensure our long-term energy security.

“The government has already taken swift action, such as lifting the de facto ban on onshore wind where communities support it, but we must go further. To help win local support for new wind and solar projects, the government should look to introduce mandatory community benefits.

“This will help ensure local communities are rightly considered when building new projects, but will also provide developers with certainty."

Richard Graham MP added: “If local residents can see a new renewables project will for example, reduce their own energy bills, while also giving developers more certainty, then this should speed up planning and delivery on more home grown energy.

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